OCTOBER 14 1887.
Lecture by Mr Gawin Kirkham. —On Friday evening an interesting lecture was delivered to a well-attended meeting in the Memorial Hall by Mr Gawin Kirkham, of the London Open-Air Mission. The subject chosen was “The Broad and the Narrow Way.” and the lecture was illustrated by means of a copy of a quint old Dutch picture. The painting showed in the foreground one common meeting place from which two roads diverged, “ the one being the “broad way that leadeth to destruction,” and the other “the narrow way that leadeth unto life.” On the two paths various travellers were seen journeying towards their destinations. The lecture delivered by Mr Kirkham was of a stirring character, and while at times his remarks had a deep touch of pathos about them, at other points the speaker showed that he possessed a keen sense of humour. At the close a collection was taken for the Open-Air Mission, London. Ex-Provost Japp occupied the chair.
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This edition is republished from private collection © Peter N Millward.
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The text below is an extract from the 30 page booklet. by the late Gawin Kirkham.
"History and Explanation of the picture "The Broad and The Narrow Way".
"Resuming my own narrative, I now come to the production of the English edition of the Picture. After my lectures people naturally wanted the Picture. So when 4,000 Dutch copies had been imported and sold, Messrs. MORGAN AND SCOTT issued an English Shilling Edition, in October, 1883. The size was the same as that of the German and Dutch, viz., nineteen inches by twenty-four, and, like them, it was tinted only. But when a pretty edition in six colours was produced, it became first favourite with the public, and is now the only one printed. So great has been the demand that 50,000 copies have been sold in five years; and it has been carried to the ends of the earth. At the same time (October, 1883) a miniature copy of the Picture was engraved and printed on the title page of the Explanation. The present issue brings the total of this explanation in English to 100,000."
Mr Gawin Kirkham was Secretary of the Open-Air Mission for a number of years in the later half of the 19th Century, and preached from a 9ft x 12 ft copy of this picture in Open Air meetings, Churches and meetings, the length and breadth of the UK, also visiting the United States, the Continent and the Near East.
Detail from picture

The symbol of the all seeing eye of God - 1 Peter 3:12 This republished edition is without triangle
To read more about the history of this fascinating picture please click image below
