Article from the Islington Gazette - Thursday May 1 1890
An interesting meeting took place at Exeter hall, on Monday. upon the return of Mr. Gawin Kirkham (of Ribblesdale-road, Hornsey), secretary of the Open-Air Mission, from a tour in the Holy Land, Egypt, and Eastern Europe. A large number of the friends of the Open-Air Mission assembled for tea, after which a reception took place in the Lowe-hall, which was crowded. Mr. George Williams, the treasurer of the Young Men’s Christian Association, presided. The Rev. Dr. Tyler opened the proceedings with prayer.
The CHAIRMAN said there was one thing he should like-that was to travel from Jerusalem to Bethany, and view that mountain-top where Jesus stood and wept over Jerusalem. The scene he considered to be the key-note of open-air preaching. It was for the preachers to go forth to their work with the same intense feeling of sympathy for sinners which formed the tears from the eyes of their divine master. He was glad to see Mr.Kirkham back again, and congratulated him on his successful journey and safe return; but, he said, Mr. Kirkham’s friends were desirous to give him some token of their esteem and pleasure on his safe return, and, he would say, the gratification of presenting to Mr.Kirkham a volume, entitled “Palestine Illustrated,” which he now did, with many expressions of goodwill. Mr.Kirkham accepted the gift with evident emotion.
Sir Douglas Fox then proposed that the meeting would give a hearty welcome to their honoured secretary upon his return from the Holy Land. This was warmly responded to.
Mr. Kirkham then gave a graphic description of his tour. He said he had travelled 7,700 miles in 92 days, and had enjoyed perfect health all through his journey, though the influenza was as bad on the continent when he travelled through as it was in London. Arriving at Stuttgart he gave his one thousandth lecture on his Dutch picture of the Broad and the Narrow Way. Stuttgart being the place where the picture was designed and printed. There were a thousand people at his lecture, among them being a son and daughter of the lady who designed the picture, and several members of the family of the printer, which greatly enhanced the interest of the meeting to himself. His description of the places he visited was frequently interspersed with Biblical allusions, and illustrations of the habits, customs, and archeological remains which went to prove the truth of the Bible records. He believed everything in the Bible would eventually be confirmed, but patience must be exercised. Mr. Weatherly moved, and the Rev. G.W M’Cree ascended, a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was carried, and the meeting closed with the Doxology.
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