Pictures With A Messsage

 Top: Der Breite und der Schmale Weg  A Gysin
Der breite und schmale weg - A Gysin, Basel.
Prints and Posters available

Der Breite und der Schmale Weg Litho - Alexander Gysin,  Basel

Modern German Translation - Gerda Dinwiddie,

Digital Image Restoration - © Peter N Millward

Der breite und schmale Weg nach den Worten unseres Heilandes Jesu Christi zur ernstlichen Betrachtung der Menschheit gegenwartiger Zeit bildlich dargestellt. Math. Cp 7 v.13.14.

(Text translated below image)  The broad and narrow way, pictured in the words of our Savior Jesus Christ for the serious consideration of mankind at the present time. Mathew. Cp 7 v.13.14” 

The picture was also translated into English - Please visit the Link for English Version

The print is somewhere around the 1840s A number of prints by different artists and designers were made during the period depicting the Broad and Narrow Way. This particular design can be seen in similar versions and could be one of the best examples available. Alexander Gysin had great ability in capturing the themes. 

The image seen here represents many hours of digital restoration, and also professional translation into modern German language.

It is an amazing work of art with a very powerful message....And also the litho is of particular interest and importance in that it may well be the "earlier representation" mentioned of by Charlotte Reihlen in the German Explanation of her own design. The influence of this older picture is very intrigueing, and is a window also to help us understand how different the world was back then.  Reading closely the quotes in Charlotte's Explanation and comparing them to those in the foreground of the said litho we discover they are virtually the same texts. While quite a number of similar designs had been made in Europe, they do differ quite alot from each other in content and execution, but the research so far points only to the litho by Alexander Gysin as being the closest match ......Is this the "earlier representation" mentioned by Charlotte Reihlen? or could there be another litho so far unidentified and undiscovered?    This unusual litho is also made available for the benifit all who wish to enjoy and study the picture.   If any visitors know of this litho and other similar ones please contact me as I hope to write a book about them (date 30/09/2019) 

Image Restoration © Peter N Millward

Detail from Der Breite und der Schmale Weg - A Gysin,  Basel, Switzerland

An English Explanation was produced some years later for Gawin Kirkham's English version of the Broad and Narrow Way print based on Charlotte Rehlen's  

From the English Translation of Charlotte Reihlen's Explanation:

“I have found in an earlier representation of the two ways, where several persons are trying to quiet themselves about not walking in the narrow way, by saying, “We go regularly to church,” (“We take the Lord’s Supper,”  “We attend Christian meetings,” )  “I give freely to the poor,”  “I have a good conscience,” “To be honest is my endeavor,” “God is not so exact,” “I am very busy,” “Innocent pleasures are lawful,” “Who can refuse young people joy, if they turn in old age,” " Who would be such a fool as not to enjoy life?" “We go with the crowd,” " I hope to be saved too." With these and similar superficial excuses one can indeed for a time stifle heart and conscience. Before the holy God, whose eyes are as a flame of fire, none can stand. The Lord Jesus says, with decision that admits of no doubt, " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.“— (John 3:3).”

Detail from Der Breite und der Schmale Weg - A Gysin,  Basel, Switzerland

Detail of foreground

.Detail from Der Breite und der Schmale Weg - A Gysin,  Basel, Switzerland
Other interesting details about the picture -
The above text are lines from a well known
Der Kampf der Tugend - "The Fight of Virtue"
By Christian Fürchtegott Gellert - German Poet (1715 – 1769)  

Berthold Auerbach paid tribute to Gellert in his story "Gellerts letzte Weihnachten"

Translated into English as "Christian Gellert's Last Christmas", first published in 1869  

The poem also was set to Choral music 

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788)
German Classical period musician and composer, the fifth child
and second son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Maria Barbara Bach.
With grateful thanks for translation from old German script
into modern German - Gerda Dinwiddie,

© Peter N Millward


